Tag Archives: blood pressure

Walgreens Blood Pressure Tests

One of the most important things to have checked on a regular basis is your blood pressure. Whether you are worried about high or low blood pressure or if you really have no idea of what your blood pressure is, it is good to have it checked at least once a year, if not more.

However, most people will not go to their doctor to get their blood pressure checked unless they are going for some other reason, and so often high or low blood pressure might go untreated.

So it was good news when earlier this year, as announced on the Oprah Winfrey show, that Walgreens would be giving free blood pressure tests  at their stores and clinics throughout the US for a week in January. Thousands of people took them up on their offer and it was a good bit of promotion for the fact that you can go and get a blood pressure test at the Walgreens clinics.

As well as blood pressure testing at the clinics, Walgreens also sell many products that can monitor your blood pressure for you on a regular basis, if you do find out that you have a problem. In addition to this they also sell natural remedies for keeping blood pressure at the right level as well as obviously doctor prescribed medication.

So if you think you may have an issue with your blood pressure (or even if you don’t but you have not had it checked for a while) then go and get it checked at your doctor’s or your local Walgreen clinic.